Elyse's freshman volleyball team had their last Saturday tournament yesterday. While it wasn't a display of "skilled" volleyball all day, there were some very exciting volleys and hits, and her turned ended up placing 5th out of 8 teams. Not too bad....but they could have played better.....the good part was that no team was really "dominating" and every team was struggling a little the whole day. We ended up playing 5 matches (each went to third game for best out of 3). Her team won 3 of the matches and lost 2 of them. The hardest part of the day was the fact that we were all inside and it was 80+ degrees outside for October 9th. We did have a chance to sneak outside between games and enjoy the sunshine a little bit.
Elyse had some very good hits and blocks that were fun to watch. I got a new camera from Wayne and the kids for my birthday that takes six pictures in a second so I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to get everything on it to work.....which I still haven't as there are some many options and gadgets....but I am loving it and it works perfect for the kids sports! I have included some of the pictures I have taken of either her blocking or hitting.
Thanks to G'ma Janet for making another trip up and spending the day watching Elyse play volleyball! The only thing better would have been for her to spend the weekend with us but she had to get back home. My mom, Elyse's G'ma, really gets into sports so it is almost as fun to watch her as it is to watch the team! :) Thanks for coming up Mom!
Elyse wraps up her volleyball season tomorrow night. Her team started the season strong, had a downhill crash, but have build themselves back up and won most of the games the last two weeks. She has already been preparing for basketball by going to open gym at 7 am twice a week and attending a camp at Wartberg college on the weekends. Never a dull moment......and always on the go......gotta love it!!
Oh yeah...a funny comment.....my mom, Wayne, my friend Julie, and I have determined that after so many volleyball games and Saturday tournaments (3 out of last 4 weekends) that there truly is a condition called "bleacher butt". Throw in all the football games and we are positive there is such a condition because after sitting at volleyball from 8:45-3:30 yesterday, I felt like I needed to seek medical attention for mine. :) And Julie and I refuse to get those "stadium seats" that fold and you can use on bleachers. As she said, "We might as well get our senior citizens card and realize we are getting hold when we buy those." Sadly, we both realize it might be sooner than later. :)