Friday, August 12, 2011

Gilligan and Skipper - Sit Right Back and You'll Hear a Tale...

The Skipper and Gilligan (or vice versa)
Elyse and Savannah enjoying the ride
You all know the song off of "Gilligan's Island" correct?  Well, it was appropriate for our group as we rented a "skiff" boat and ventured out around the Low Country and ocean.  If you remember, we had done this last year, loving it, yet, we did get lost last year which is quite a scary thing.  There are so many marsh areas and little nooks from the ocean back into the marina that one wonders....what did we do before GPS?

Kim, Brenda, and Kayla riding on front of boat
While the weather all week was close to 100, when you were out on the ocean or beach it was much better.  So our first full day with everyone there, we rented a boat and ventured out.  Wayne and Chris both had their GPS and luckily, we followed another boat headed to the same remote island we were, Bull's Point.  This island is uninhabitated and has wonderful shells to collect.  We thought we would make it a day there so we threw in the fishing gear, some kites, and packed a lunch for everyone as well.

Of course on the drive out there were dolphin everywhere!  This is another site that always amazes me, just like in North Carolina.  I could watch them all day as well!

dolpin alongside boat
Brenda exploring island
With the help of our "lead boat" - that didn't know they were leading us - we made it to Bull's Point and set up camp.  We beat the "shelling tour boat" that brings others out to the island to look for shells so that was nice.  The kids roamed the beaches, finding treasures, while the guys tried to catch the "Big One".  The best moment of the whole day was when Brenda tried fishing and realized she had a was something huge because her pole almost bent in half.  It was amazing!!!  She worked to reel it in but right before she got it up so we could see it, it jumped off.  Her face during the process was priceless....especially because she was pulling something in bigger than the guys have caught yet.  (and believe me, they tried every day after this).

It was a perfect way to start the week, relaxing in the sun.  The guys brought the rest of us back to Fripp and stayed out fishing for a few more hours.....they never did catch "the Big One that Got Away".  Even though they tried.....:)

Wayne fishing

Elyse exploring

Kayla and starfish Elyse found

kids in ocean cooling off

Chris and his "big shark" is a big

Beach Time!

Brenda and Kim relaxing on beach with "beverage".  This is the life!
Alex and Elyse riding waves and boogie boarding
The beach....this is the place I find to be the most relaxing place on earth.  I could sit there all day people watching, watching the waves, and just enjoying the simpleness of something so amazing and intense.  On Fripp Island, you can walk "forever" out into the ocean and the water is the temperature of bathwater.  It is not very clear as it is constantly stirred up from the islands all around but it is wonderful and kid friendly!

We found that our favorite time to be on the beach was from 3 PM until 8 or 9 PM.  Many times we did not have dinner until after 9 as we were relaxing, swimming or flying kites on the beach.  It was wonderful!  It was almost like we had the beach to ourselves during that time as well.  We would go out other times during the day, but that was the favorite time.

Elyse waiting to fly Wayne's kite
Of course, Elyse, the "Sand Dollar Queen" showed Kayla and Savannah how to use your toes to feel sand dollars under the water in the sand.  They found so many by the 2nd day that we had to cut them off.  Kayla of course, was still looking for "big ones" but I think she had enough to take home and remember Fripp Island by.  It was so cute to see her running out of the ocean up the beach with her new findings.....simple pleasures in life.

So here are some pictures of our time on the beach.  Everyone marveled at Wayne's kites and many stopped to talk to him every night when he was flying them.  They really are amazing to watch...again, simple pleasures.

Elyse and Savannah eating Ben and Jerrys.  Elyse had just gotten burnt very badly so she had to stay "covered up" a day

Alex coming in from boogie boarding

Kayla playing in sand

Elyse's new way of flying a kite.

Savannah riding waves

Chris and Alex playing catch in ocean with Wayne (can't see him)

Elyse helping Kayla fly Wayne's stunt kite

South Carolina....Still Lovin' The South!

Our "Fripp House" on Ocean Creek Boulevard
Elyse and Alex fishing and netting on the dock behind house on the canal

The "little alligator" (3-4 foot long) that hung out by our dock
South Carolina.....Fripp Island.....been there the last 7 or 8 years (not sure)....and there is always something new, yet familiar with each return!  We had a super week in South Carolina before we headed to the Outer Banks.  Family friends, The Lentzs, joined us for the week, arriving Sunday night.  It was a relaxing week of laughs, kite flying, golfing, boating, and beaching!  I think Brenda's words the night before we all left sum up how the week went.  She said, "This is one of the best vacations we have ever had!".  Us too!

I will make these post similar to the ones I made for North Carolina, in groups.  Maybe you can enjoy the South Carolina sunshine by enjoying these pictures......just pretend you were there!

Savannah, Alex, and Kayla saying hello to deer that roam island
We rented a house through the same lady we have rented houses with the last two years.  She owns three houses on the island.  While it is not right on the beach, it is ideal location for our kids as it is on the canal (fishing and crabbing), right across from beach access (for our many trips to beach), right by a park with basketball court and volleyball (for Elyse to shoot), and located on the "hottest" teenage strip where all the teenie boppers drive around on the golf carts mingling! There is constant activity in the evening of teenagers giggling, hanging, and meeting at the park.  We did let the girls drive the golf carts alone although they were not 16 years old like the island law states.  Savannah became the driver for the kids in the evening and they ventured everywhere!  It is also good for Wayne as it is right across from a golf course.  The house itself is beautiful, has everything we need, and we feel very "at home" in it.

Elyse, Alex, and Wayne...ocean behind!
While the fishing was not too good in the canal, we did catch some crabs off the dock as well as had a friendly little alligator that frequented behind our house int he canal.  There were also lots of deer in the evening behind the house enjoying the shade and grass.

Ocean Creek Boulevard....our home for a week!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kirstin - Carolina Girl by Address and Employment! Yes! Follow Her Blog!

On our way back from the Outer Banks, we had a chance to stop and visit Kirstin in her new townhouse in Greenville, North Carolina.  She is about 2 1/2 hours from the Outer Banks so it was nice to get to stop and see her as she had just moved in two days prior.

For those who do not know, Kirstin has moved to North Carolina with her cousin Samantha, and Samantha's college roommate, Emily.  (Emily is arriving today!)  Samantha and Emily both have their Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and got jobs at the hospital in Greenville.  All are very excited to be in North Carolina.  Kirstin has been to the Outer Banks once with our family but has been to South Carolina endless times.  I think the draw to North Carolina was that one of their favorite shows, "One Tree Hill", was focused on and taped in North Carolina so why not move there?  Besides, this is the time in her life to do it and we encouraged it!  When they first moved out, Kirstin did not have a job.  But.....and this is a good but....

Last Monday she set out to visit and contact all elementary schools in the area and outside the city limits.  I was in a grad class all week and received a text from her to call her back as soon as possible.  This was about 3:30 in the afternoon.  So after my class, I called her and she shared the great news that she is going to be a 4th grade teacher!!!! Yeah!!!!!  She called them, they asked her to come in and interview, and they offered her the job all in one day (hope she knows that is not normal but it worked for her!)

So we are excited and happy that she is adjusting well and loving Greenville. They have ventured to various activities/festivals, met some friends who live below them (they live in a townhouse and some guys live below them), and are enjoying a LOT of time by the pool.

Like her stepmom, she has started her own blog to keep people up to date on her life ventures.  You can get to it at    Follow her and see what crazy situations she gets into in Greenville.

Yeah Miss Kerian!!! :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Part 4: Outer Banks Family Pictures and Randomn

Wayne, Kim, Alex, Elyse at beach house.  Ocean in background
Our week in the Outer Banks was wonderful and we know we will return!  Elyse seems to think she should have a "senior trip" there with her friends in a few years......we will see about that......:) The kids had a super time playing cards every night with their grandparents and relaxing in the pool.  We all loved the hot tub and wine that was consumed, as well as enjoying Connor's first trip to the Outer Banks.  We know there will be many more!

Thanks Mom and Dad!  We had a super time and will forever cherish the memories! 

Alex and his twin, Connor

Elyse and Alex on back deck overlooking pool

Connor and Graham

Elyse and Alex on boardwalk to beach

Alex, Connor, Graham and Elyse.

Graham and Elyse - silly!

The Johnson Family

Wayne and Kim

Parasailing Adventures - Couldn't Get Enough

Alex and Derek getting "wet" on drop down to toe touch in ocean!

Elyse, Kim, Sara preparing to get wet on toe touch

Alex and Derek

Alex and Papa launching off boat

Derek kayaking in the sound

Elyse, Kim, and Sara enjoying the view

Wayne kayaking in the sound

Elyse and Grandma Janet

Elyse and Grandma Janet getting launched off boat to start
Elyse and her Gma Janet had decided before vacation that they were going to parasail over the water while we were in the Outer Banks.  The day arrived, reservations were made, and Gma Janet is freaking out.  Alex decided he wanted to do it as well, so he was going to go with Derek.  Alex was a little nervous as well, but tried to hide it.  We all went to watch them get on the boat to take them out to the parasailing boat, and off they went.

All four, Derek was the only one who had done it long ago, said it was the coolest thing they had ever done.  Of course, they had to go the highest they could, which was 1200 feet above the water!  When we picked them up off the return boat, Alex shouted, "That was so cool!"

Well....that put some "want" into some of us who did not go.  Next thing you know, the next day, Sara and I are going and Papa is going with Alex.  Wayne tried to go but there was no more room on the transfer boat so he and Derek decided to go kayaking around.  They even kayaked to where we met the parasailing boat and had a great time.  Wayne had never done it before and said it is harder than it looks, as he flipped out a few times, but said he really enjoyed it!

So we had a super time parasailing and kayaking not just one, but two days!!!!  We could see so much of the Outer Banks, the ocean and the sound at one time!  Beautiful!  These are memories we will forever have with one another.  And more first for Gma and Papa!

Part 2: The Outer Banks Beach

Connor getting "a little" sand on his hat!

Elyse and Graham digging in sand.

Wayne and Ellie running from wave

Alex walking Connor out to water

The Kerian family in the ocean!

Notice Grandma holding on to Papa with the wave coming! :)

Wayne and Alex

Graham and his little fish he threw back to the dolphins

Johnsons flying kite on the beach
 Of course we went to the beach often!  The best time was in the morning as there were usually dolphin swimming in the ocean and the water was so smooth looking.  The evenings were also nice as many people were out flying kites and walking the beach.  Graham found some small fish that washed on shore and decided he would throw them back into the ocean to feed the dolphin, which was very cute.  The water shifted temps various days, based on the wind, sometimes being chilly and then sometimes the perfect relief from the heat.  The week before, there had been a shark attack in the Outer Banks, further south from where we were, but that did not stop us. (maybe a little.....)

My parents, both deathly afraid of water, ventured further out into the ocean than they ever have.  Connor liked to watch the water, but Graham preferred the house pool.  He did enjoy an evening of kite flying as Wayne has a special kite for Graham that he likes to fly. 

The last day was probably the best day....perfect temperature all around and beautiful out.  This did not help the fact that we all were leaving soon.....