Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Great Time at Kourtney and Brandons' Reception

Elyse, Alex, and Kirstin at winery
I was taking pictures off my camera quickly and thought I would make a quick post.  We just returned from a fun night with family as we celebrating my cousin, Kourtney, and her husband, Brandons', marriage.  They were married in Hawaii a few months ago so we celebrated last night at a winery in Cedar Rapids.Both of them are in their last few years (I think) of med school and soon to be Drs. I think Brandon should be on Grey's Anatomy as he will be known as "Dr. Comfort"....fits right in with Dr. McSteamy right??? (for those who know Grey's Anatomy).  hehehe.  That is really his last name!  Sounds like a great Dr. name, I think!!! :) Anyway, it was a lot of fun and good to have all of the extended family together! 

Wayne and Kim (after many glasses of wine)
 The "older cousins" surprised Kourtney and Brandon by taking them on a limo ride around CR, making a stop at a bar for beverages to welcome Brandon to the family.  Wayne and I really enjoyed this time as we never seen many of my cousins...or if we do, we all have our kids around, so this was nice to have just the adult cousins and reconnect with one another.  Brandon and Kourtney were very surprised when they got into the limo to see all our faces...whether they wanted to or not.

Graham leading EVERYONE on dance floor!
 We then headed out to the winery, which is fairly new and a perfect place for a quaint wedding reception.  The wine was great, the food was fabulous, and the music was fun.  My nephew, Graham, danced every song the whole night and even led everyone in one of the dances.  It is my favorite picture of the whole night!  So much fun!

Alex and Sara
 The night ended by everyone returning to the Marriott in Cedar Rapids for more family time, socializing, and cards.  My mom's family waste no time getting started playing cards...and they are serious about it as well.  Wayne and I did not play, just hung out while our kids ran around with their second cousins and reconnected as well.  They had a great time as well.

Graham dancing...he danced all night long!!!
 Who knows when we will all be together again....but I can't wait.  Thanks for a fun night Sheila, Joe, Brandon and Kourtney!  And thanks for the toast and dance to Ken!  Meant a lot to all of us!!!  I am sure he was dancing along and drinking with us....

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