Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life of a 15 Year Old (E) and 13 Year Old (A) and Miles of Memories

Wednesday:  8:00 AM - E has weights and open gym for volleyball
        1:00 PM - A has baseball game
        2:30 PM - E and I head to Des Moines for Lightning practice
        6:00 PM - E has Lightning practice
Thursday - return from Des Moines
       A has baseball game
Friday - 7:30 AM - E has open gym for basketball
      5 PM - A has double header for baseball
                  E and I leave for Pella for weekend of basketball
Saturday - Sunday -
       5 basketball games in Pella
Sunday - finish basketball games
       noon - drive home
       5:15 - E has volleyball scrimmage in South Winn
      6:15 - I take E and some others to UNI for 2 day volleyball camp (9 am to 9 pm)
      9:30 AM - I return from Cedar Falls
      5:15 - A has weight lifting
Tuesday - E still at camp
     5:30 - A has weight lifting
     8-noon : E has basketball camp
     3 : Dr. appointments
     5:  A has last baseball game
Thursday - Friday
     8 - noon:  E has basketball camp
     A has weight lifting
Friday:  leave for "heaven" - Here we come, Carolinas

E also got asked to play with a different traveling AAU team called "Team Fury", one her Lightning team has played, in a tournament in Minnesota in 2 weeks.  Their "Post" girl hurt her hand and they wanted Elyse to take her spot for the tournament.  She would have done it (as they are VERY good) but we will be gone.....she needs some down time don't you think????

Very proud of my kids and all of their involvements!  E now has her school permit, which is nice.  One of her best friends, Molly from across the road, take turns driving to practice etc. and love their freedom.  A just got a nice new bike......not like a car but it gets hime where he needs to go.

Yes, I have put 1000 miles on my new car in 5 days.......could complain about it but why?  Those miles in my car are memories with my kids.....wouldn't change it for a minute!  


Fun Times at the Cabin....

Vinnie waiting for Alex to get the big catch off the neighbor's dock

Kids, Vinnie, and Norah floating in middle of lake on tube.
 The Kerian cabin is one that we don't get to utilize as much as we would like....not because of anything except our busy schedules.  With the kids in as much as they are, there is limited time we have during the summer so we usually do not get up to the cabin until fall.  This fall is looking bleak as well with volleyball and various other things, so we can't thank Judy, Carol, and John for letting us pop up towards the end of their 4th of July vacation so we could have some fun up there as well.  I am beginning to wonder why we have 2 jet skis, as they never get used, but we put them to good use the short amount of time we were there.

We had a super time relaxing, tubing, jet skiing and fishing while were were at the cabin.  Wayne did some work around the dock and retaining walls, but did take some breaks to relax with us and pull the kids around on their tubes (sadly, the kids told me I don't do it as well as Dad does.....I try).  Kirstin was able to join us as well, so it was a great time before she heads off to North Carolina.  We even stayed a day longer than planned to enjoy the water and sunshine as well as some family time.  The boys got some fishing in, the dogs loved it, and they even went for a swim a few times out in the middle of the lake as well as floating on the tube with the kids when we anchored.  It was super and was exactly what we needed...

We also got to enjoy the annual "4th of July Boat Parade" on the lake, which had a lot of good laughs to it.  Kirstin and I will never think of speedoes the same, white and blue....oh my!  :) 

kids enjoy different tube...leisure yet dangerous when Wayne pulls them

Elyse doing 360 on knee board - her favorite!

Thanks Carol and Judy for sharing some time with us!  We loved the time with you as well as relaxing at the cabin.....a wonderful place to be!!!!

There is a First for Everything...Even Grandma Judy!

Judy on jet ski with Wayne at cabin
I have a little time so I wanted to share a quick post of how everyone, even Grandmas, can live life to the fullest and try new things every day.  While we were up at the cabin on the 4th of July, something amazing and wonderful happened!  Grandma Judy got on the jet ski!!!!

Now both Gma Judy and Gma Janet have similiar characteristics in that they are afraid of water (Elyse taught Gma Janet and Papa how to blow bubbles in the pool a few years ago in North Carolina and we still chuckle about it).  They also don't like to get their faces wet....So when we were at the cabin and Carol and Gma Judy were getting ready to leave, Carol decided to take one of the jet skis out for a spin.  Needless to say, her words were "This could get addicting".  Next thing I know, she has talked Judy into getting on and giving it a try!  We were all amazed!

Now I don't know if Judy loved it or not, but I do know she was holding on for dear life.  It was a super sight to see and the kids will remember that even Gmas try new things......that's what makes life so wonderful!

Not only do Elyse and Alex know Gma Judy as "Off Road Granny" (personal story about her crazy driving of a golf cart in South Carolina), but now they know her as "Jet Skiing Granny" as well!  And as often as she says she is proud of them, they are proud of her as well!

Great memory!  (I did video tape it but haven't had time to put it on YouTube yet.  Will do when we return from vacation)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

All Good Things Come to An End! Including Lightning!

Iowa Lighting Red Team, 3rd place Pella Tournament
We just got home from Elyse's last tournament with the Iowa Lightning.  The girls played well overall and ended up placing 3rd, again.  Elyse said she really wanted to win this tournament and end with a 1st place medal, but they were glad to get 3rd place.  They ended up losing in overtime due to a "hail mary" 3 point shot that the other team made to put us in overtime and then another one to win.  That put us 2 and 1 as of Saturday night.  Sunday we were the number 2 seed in the A/Championship bracket and ended up losing to a team we have beaten before, but the girls weren't quite ready at 8:00 AM this morning.  Elyse, on the other hand, had one of her best games and had a LOT of points with great defense!  She was bummed as she wanted to get in the championship game, but being we lost, we ended up playing for 3rd place.....and were successful at it once again winning by lots of points as well again. 

While my car is glad to have some time off, the girls were all a little sadden to see it come to an end.  Elyse put on facebook "Sad to play my last game with the Lightning today (until next year)"  She also put a chant on there that the Lightning girls sometimes say and that she will miss her "team".  Kind of brought tears to my eyes.  After the pictures were done and everyone was getting ready to go, a bunch of us moms were hugging and everything like we were family so it was nice, yet sad.  This has probably been the best experience for Elyse, not only for pushing her a little more in basketball, but for gaining confidence, life skills, and so many more freat friends! It has been great for our family as well (the kids and Wayne enjoyed the swimming pool time yesterday at the hotel...they were CRAZY)

Coach told the team to be proud of who they are, be leaders in their school, and of course, keep playing basketball.  He also told them he was so proud of them.....and they just stared at him with puppy eyes.....very precious moment (I think some may have a slight crush on him but it was still cute....)

When Elyse was saying goodbye to Coach Doud, he asked her if she enjoyed it (of course she said yes) and then he asked her if she will be back next year....I looked at her and she instantly said "yes" with a smile.  He said he was glad to hear that! We were glad to hear it as well! 

Thanks go Gma Janet and Papa for venturing to Pella on Saturday and watching three games in the HOT field house......Elyse appreciated and so do we!  She loves all your support!

No time to waste though, she got home this afternoon and has to go to a volleyball scrimmage tonight before I run her down to UNI at 6:30 am for a volleyball camp there for 2 days and return for a basketball camp here in Cresco.  I am exhausted for her....and I know she will be ready for vacation coming up in a few days.....but who is counting down????? (me)

Great season of Lightning basketball Elyse!  We are proud of you and loved every minute of it!  Until next year.....

Kirstin's Moving to North Carolina

Samantha, Emily, Kirstin heading to North Carolina
Kirstin had a little "going away" party last Friday night.  As most of you know, she is heading to North Carolina.  Greenville, North Carolina to be exact.  She is in the process of "cleaning house" and grabbing whatever she can as she and two friends are moving into a townhouse and looking for "things" to put in it.  I guess it is a good way for me to get rid of things as well as end up getting some new furniture so we both win.  :)  hehehe

Alex going down slip and slide
 It was a nice party hosted by Kirstin's cousin, Sam's, parents.  Sam will be moving with Kirstin as she has accepted a job as an occupational therapist in the spinal cord unit.  Sam's college roommate, Emily, also accepted a job as an occupational therapist as well.  The three are in the picture at the top of the post.

The party included a slip and slide for the "kids" (old and young), a cookout, and concluded with fireworks to sent them off in a "bang" so to say. 

Elyse and her friend, Hannah, on slip and slide
 While we are going to miss Kirstin greatly, we are very excited for her big move and know she will love it.  Who wouldn't love NC?  She is going to do great! 

Christmas in North Carolina in the Outer Banks (one 2-3 hours from Kirstin) doesn't sound too bad??:)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Living the Good Life - Clare!

I thought I would post this video of one of "Ken's girls" named Clare.  For my family, all of us know and love Clare!  She is one of those people who you can't help but love and has spent many vacations with us in the Outer Banks and hours with Ken helping him and giving him many laughs over the years.   She is "one of the family" and always will be!

She graduated from nursing school last year and eventually decided to "live life to the fullest".   Along with her sister, they moved to Hawaii to care for an elderly couple and "life a good life" (as the song goes in the video).  Her pictures and experiences that she shares on Facebook are amazing and I am so happy for her!  I recently told her that she has a lot of "Ken's spirit" in her as is a super example of "living life to the fullest".  Ken would be proud of her (but he would never tell her if he were here, but she would know it!).  She is also a friend of Elyse's on Facebook and I love how she is showing Elyse and others how important it is to live every moment to the fullest!  It wouldn't do justice just to say we all love Clare....she is simply amazing! Ken, present or not, has a way of encouraging all of us to "go for it" and never miss a moment.  He was always the first to say "go for it" and I think he, also having skydived before, was there with Clare in his own way.  At least I like to think so! :)

I couldn't help but post this video of her recent experience sky diving in Hawaii.  She is a wonderful person, and I know we all miss her, but she is living the life, to say the least!  The video, music and pictures are wonderful!  Thanks for sharing Clare! 

Alex's AAU Baseball Team, Going Strong at 14 and 4

Alex's AAU team continues to go strong with a winning record!  Sad to say, that season is almost over as well.  Alex continues to love pitching and playing first base.  His batting is consistent and he has had quite a few doubles this season with good, solid hits.  He gets frustrated because he wants to have one go "over the fence"......but he is hitting really well and should be proud!  We are.  Here are some pictures from him pitching at the Oelwein game the other night.  The team ended up winning by 12 or 14 points each game.  Keep it up Alex!  You are doing awesome!

Lightning Takes 3rd Place at UNI Tournament

Lightning Red team 3rd Place UNI (minus Coach Doud and Maddie)
We had another great weekend of basketball last weekend down at UNI. was close (at least under a 2 hour drive so that is close for us).  After 6 games, the girls ended 4 and 2 and came out in 3rd place! Their coach, Coach Doud was gone Sunday (he had a golf tournament....see why he and Wayne get along so well:), and we were a little worried Coach BL (can't say her name. She is in back row, left edge of picture and plays for Grandview College Women's Basketball) was not going to pull the team thru, but she did!  Even after another teammate (that is two now) rolled her ankle the night before, the girls pulled it thru!

It was a wonderful weekend not only because of that, but because Elyse had her own cheering section at the tournament.  Thank you to G'ma Judy, Carol, John, the girls, Randy, Lori, Justin, and Cody for coming down and cheering Elyse and the team on in their first two games! That was very nice of everyone and meant a lot to all of us!! Thank you also to G'ma Janet and Sara for traveling in for the whole weekend and seeing what a weekend with the Lightning is like.  I think having everyone there was good luck because the Lightning is usually not a "morning team" but they were this past weekend and came out strong. (Can't say that for the game that followed that day......:)  It was nice to have everyone there, cheering, and then celebrating/eating at Elyse and Alexs' favorite place to each on the Hill in Cedar Falls, Beck's.  (Sorry, one picture is fuzzy).  Fun family time!

Elyse is loving her time with the team and we are all a little sadden to see it almost come to an end!  One more practice in Des Moines on Wednesday night and one more tournament in Pella.  The girls are really meshing together well and playing good ball (when they want to) so it is sad for it to end.  Our family has loved the weekends away and spent some much time together with each other that it has been beneficial for all of us as well!  And we have also met some other parents of girls on the team that hopefully we will get to know very well over the next 3 years.  Not only has Elyse learned so much about basketball, she has received so much information on life skills and leadership and stepping "out of the comfort zone" that it is more about life in general than basketball. 

Alex, although he may appear bored at so many games, said he actually is enjoying the time away with all of us together as well.  He brings a basketball to shoot hoops at time outs and halftimes and is making friends himself with other "brothers" on the team.  So....although it is easy to feel sorry for him, don't.  He gets a lot out of it as well (plus usually some golf time with his dad).  This weekend he finally got his new Trek bike for his birthday and we are all looking forward to many bike rides as a family on the trails (whenever that will fit in).

So nice job once again Lightning Red team!  Keep it up!