Monday, December 20, 2010

Kirstin Graduates from UNI!

Kirstin Graduates
 Well...she did it!!!  We are the proud parents of a college us sound old!!!!  :)  Old but proud.  Kirstin graduated Saturday from UNI and it was a great day of celebration and the end of another chapter of her life.  I'd have to say, she had a great ending to this part of her college career being she was on the East Coast all semester and then graduated.  It hit me that she was graduating when I was looking through the program and saw the little symbol for "legacy" by her name.....that meant she had a parent, that would be me, Kim, who attending/graduated from UNI and their child was continuing the legacy.  Right after the ceremony, as I was hugging her, she said, "Did you see I am a legacy?"  We both just smiled!!!! Go Panthers!!!!

Kirstin in middle walking towards Dean of Education
(short hair blond)
 Graduation ceremony was at 10:00 AM.  I did enclose a picture of her walking across the stage.  The picture shows her in the middle of the stage just after she shook the President of UNI's hand going for her diploma.  Of course, I enclosed other pictures of the proud day.  We had a nice meal afterwards at Peppers in Cedar Falls with both sides of Kirstin's family, grandparents, and some of her cousins.  Yummy food and great way to end the day.

Elyse, Kirstin, Alex
 Her exciting news is that she also has a part time job already teaching literacy to grades 2-4 every day in the morning.  She will be doing this in the school district I teach in, but a different building.  She will be in Lime Springs, which is ironic because that was the same building I started my teaching career at!  I told my students today that Kirstin graduated and that there was now going to be a "Miss Kerian" in our school district.  They thought that was so cool....of course they probably won't see her being she is in a different building, but they haven't figured that out yet.

Congratulations Kirstin!!! We are very proud of you and love you!

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