Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fun Times at the Cabin....

Vinnie waiting for Alex to get the big catch off the neighbor's dock

Kids, Vinnie, and Norah floating in middle of lake on tube.
 The Kerian cabin is one that we don't get to utilize as much as we would like....not because of anything except our busy schedules.  With the kids in as much as they are, there is limited time we have during the summer so we usually do not get up to the cabin until fall.  This fall is looking bleak as well with volleyball and various other things, so we can't thank Judy, Carol, and John for letting us pop up towards the end of their 4th of July vacation so we could have some fun up there as well.  I am beginning to wonder why we have 2 jet skis, as they never get used, but we put them to good use the short amount of time we were there.

We had a super time relaxing, tubing, jet skiing and fishing while were were at the cabin.  Wayne did some work around the dock and retaining walls, but did take some breaks to relax with us and pull the kids around on their tubes (sadly, the kids told me I don't do it as well as Dad does.....I try).  Kirstin was able to join us as well, so it was a great time before she heads off to North Carolina.  We even stayed a day longer than planned to enjoy the water and sunshine as well as some family time.  The boys got some fishing in, the dogs loved it, and they even went for a swim a few times out in the middle of the lake as well as floating on the tube with the kids when we anchored.  It was super and was exactly what we needed...

We also got to enjoy the annual "4th of July Boat Parade" on the lake, which had a lot of good laughs to it.  Kirstin and I will never think of speedoes the same, white and blue....oh my!  :) 

kids enjoy different tube...leisure yet dangerous when Wayne pulls them

Elyse doing 360 on knee board - her favorite!

Thanks Carol and Judy for sharing some time with us!  We loved the time with you as well as relaxing at the cabin.....a wonderful place to be!!!!

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