Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fun at the Cabin

We are having a great time at the Kerian cabin! A lot of it has been spent on the water the last 2 1/2 days so I decided I would include some video of Elyse and Alex doing their favorite activity: kneeboarding!!! They are getting so good at it that Elyse said she needs to learn a new trick to do with it. We are heading to Scheels later to check out some "trick videos" for her to learn to do on the kneeboard. The kids have also been tubing and swimming, as well as riding around the lake on the jet ski. Jet skiing is my favorite! We only put one of the jet skis in being there are only the 4 of us here-usually the kids each bring a friend. We have had the lake mostly to ourselves so far this week, which is nice! Fishing has been super for Wayne and the kids - Kim watching. :0) Wayne usually goes out early while the rest of us sleep in. Norah has already jumped/fell into the water multiple times, loving every minute of it. She will just walk down into the water and stand there to cool off. I went for a 3 mile walk this morning on the trail and it was wonderful! Bonfires in the evening have been a relaxing way to end the day. I guess one night we are eating fish as the croppies are biting, I am told. It is breezy today so Wayne and Alex went golfing, Elyse relaxed as she is sore from so many water sports, and I read a book (yes, school work) down on the dock catching some sun! Anyway, enjoy the videos!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time and very nice weather this week!
